Friday, October 22, 2010

Ohhhh, Fall Grapes for the Wine!

Hey everybody!  Well, it has been a good week here.  We (Sir Markus, myself, and Snooch, the grape lovin' pooch) went up on the mountain and found a large supply of perfectly sweet fall grapes.  I mean these *taste* like the word Grape sounds.  The fresh grapi-ness just explodes the minute you bite into one of these little beauties!  We spent about 2 hours picking them off the vines.

This is how we pick the grapes, pick the grapes, pick the grapes

The Great Grape-mobile!
......this is how we get stuck!

Hung up in the ditch.....well, while I am up here, these grapes  look like they need to be picked.

  Mark had to climb up on a not-so-safe-looking rock to pick them. 

Not the safest place in the world to be a-pickin grapes!
 I stayed on the ground!  After all I had already had my hand smashed under a big piece of steel and a chunck of wood.  "Graceful" is NOT my middle name.

   And Snooch stayed in the buggy, filtching grapes out of a coffee container that we brought along to put them in as we picked them.  She is a sneaky little bugger!  We did not even know she liked these grapes, guess we do now!

We had to put a lid on the smaller buckets!!!!  She was a little thief!  I found grapes smashed on her little feet!
 Anywho, we did not quite get enough to  make the 18 to 20 lbs. of grapes that we need for a full batch of wine, so we have plans to go back up after another frost to see if all the other good spots have sweetened up enough.  For those of you that have never see or heard of Fall Grapes, here is what they look like.

Fall Grape Clusters
  They are small, like a pea, but they grow in bunches like grapes that are in the supermarket. 
They are simply beautiful hanging out on their vines in nature!

Lovely Lovely Sweet Fall Grapes!

Grapes on the vines.

Now that the frosts are coming, we will be able to get the rest of these lovely grapes to start the Fall Grape Wine.  The great folks at Midwest Supplies are the "ONLY" people we trust to order all of the necessary items to make our fantastic wine.  If you are a wine lover, head on over to MidWest Supplies to see all of the great winemaking kits, supplies, glasses, labels, openers, and oh so much other good stuff!  We would not think of using anyone else!

Well, that is about it for this Grape Picking Adventure!  We will be doing another adventure here shortly and then I will be putting up the entire process we go through to get the batch started!  Hope you will stay tuned to see how it all is done!

Have a great day!

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